A downloadable game for Windows

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En este juego deberás sobrevivir en un planeta hostil protegiendo tu base de las  amenazas hasta conseguir escapar. Tendrás que recolectar un valioso mineral, el  Elemento que podrás emplear para fabricar y mejorar multitud de cosas. Tu objeti vo será fabricar la cantidad suficiente de combustible para tu nave y poder escapar  antes de que sea tarde.  Oleadas de criaturas te dificultan esta tarea tratando de entrar en tu base para aca bar contigo, deberás impedirlo utilizando armas defensivas equipadas en tu base.


In game you must survive on a hostile planet protecting your base from until you manage to escape. You will have to collect a valuable mineral, Element you can use to make and improve many . Your objective will be to manufacture enough fuel for your ship and be able to escape before it is too late. Waves of creatures make task difficult by trying to enter your base to aca bar with you, you must prevent it using defensive weapons equipped in your base.


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